Firstly lets read in terms of what is written on WAAPSols.
It’s the outcome of contribution made by many creative people, who wanted to increase their learning curve. This web site is not only designed to cater to the needs of Graphic Designers, Print Specialists, Web Designers and Animators but also many young aspiring souls who want to make a flourishing career in the creative arena.
WAAPSols is aptly named. It stands for Web, Animation and Print Solutions.
WAAPSols is a warehouse for creative minds, where you can view the portfolios of some of the member designers and also avail of the free online tutorials for Adobe Products & other latest version software’s.
At WAAPSols, there are already over 100 registered members which consists of both students and instructor in various fields. Designer and animators can register and join groups, comment of other members work, learn new tips and tricks from the tutorials section and most importantly; can also blog about there recent work and get constructive reviews.