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Facebook chat on iChat

Facebook chat on iChat

Do you chat a lot of Facebook and is chatting on the browser just not comfortable for you! Well now you can signing to Facebook chat using iChat on your mac. Here is how to do it.

UltraCopy – A TeraCopy alternative for Mac

UltraCopy – A TeraCopy alternative for Mac

Mac user can use a free software called UltraCopy which does the same work as TeraCopy. You can use it to transfer huge data files from one Mac to another over a network or form your Mac to your external hard disk. Head inside to see the download link and features of UltraCopy.

Epic Mobile Battle Again – Apple & Google

Epic Mobile Battle Again – Apple & Google

The next battle in the epic was between the Apple and Google is about to begin with Apple unveiling its iAds feature some time back that, for the first time will allow advertisers to put their ads near apps made specifically for iPhone and iPad.

MacBook Framed!

MacBook Framed!

Some interesting Angles. Some more Fun.
Clicked by Alpesh Kandoi. Waiting for your comments…